TITLE: I Had Orgasm In Oil Massage
LOCATION: Elaina_Donatella
VOTES: 1,103
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The moment I stepped into the tranquil sanctuary of the massage parlor, I could feel the tension in my shoulders begin to melt away. The soft music and soothing scent of essential oils enveloped me, easing my mind and preparing my body for the blissful relaxation that awaited.

As I settled onto the plush massage table, the therapist's skilled hands began their rhythmic dance across my skin. Each touch was like a gentle caress, coaxing the knots of tension from my muscles and leaving me floating on a cloud of serenity.

But as his hands worked their magic, tracing patterns of warmth and comfort along the curve of my spine, I felt a different kind of sensation begin to stir within me. It started as a subtle fluttering deep in my belly, a whisper of pleasure that sent a shiver of excitement racing through my veins.

I tried to push the thought aside, to focus on the gentle pressure of his fingers as they kneaded away the stress of the day. But the sensation only grew stronger, building with each passing moment until it became an undeniable ache that throbbed with a need I couldn't ignore.

And then, just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, he reached for the bottle of massage oil resting on the nearby shelf. The cool liquid dripped onto my skin like liquid silk, sending a rush of sensation coursing through me as his hands began to glide over my slickened flesh.

The touch of his hands against my bare skin was electrifying, igniting a fire deep within me that threatened to consume me whole. With each stroke, I felt myself teetering on the edge of something exquisite, something forbidden yet undeniably intoxicating.

And then, as if by some unspoken agreement, it happened—the first wave of pleasure crashing over me like a tidal wave, sweeping me up in its irresistible embrace. It was a sensation unlike anything I had ever experienced, a symphony of ecstasy that reverberated through every fiber of my being.

But even as I surrendered to the overwhelming tide of sensation, a sense of guilt gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. This was supposed to be a simple massage, a chance to unwind and relax. And yet, here I was, succumbing to the illicit pleasure of a secret climax.

As the therapist's hands continued to work their magic, coaxing me ever closer to the edge of release, I couldn't help but wonder how I had let things go this far.